PACHworks / Curriculum

Curriculum Development
In efforts to teach the science of human connection and bring awareness to the crisis of connection, PACH develops curriculum for schools in New York City and for NYU students in New York and Abu Dhabi.
The Science of Human Connection
The first undergraduate course of its kind, The Science of Human Connection, summarizes the science that provides insight into the roots of and solutions to the crisis of connection. The course, currently taught by Dr. Niobe Way at NYU, uses the textbook The Crisis of Connection: Its Roots, Consequences, and Solutions (NYU Press) which is co-edited by PACH founders.

The Listening Guide Method of Psychological Inquiry
This seminar, designed and taught by Dr. Carol Gilligan at NYU, trains doctoral students working with narrative data to ask questions about internal psychological processes and how culture shapes such processes. The Listening Guide Method takes students from posing an initial research question to distilling their findings and mastering the interview method.
Culture, Context, and Psychology
Culture, Context, and Psychology, taught by Dr. Niobe Way, offers an in-depth examination of the ways in which culture and context affect human development. The course is offered to undergraduates at NYU Abu Dhabi.

Interview & Observation
Interview & Observation, taught by Dr. Niobe Way and Dr. Joseph Nelson, provides students with the theoretical and practical skills to conduct and analyze semi-structured interviews, with a particular focus on learning the method of “transformative interviewing.” The course is offered to doctoral students at NYU.
Women and Mental Health: A Life-Cycle Perspective
Women and Mental Health, taught by Dr. Alisha Ali, focuses on the psychology of women and their mental health throughout the life cycle. This course examines socialization and gender, feminist theory and therapy, as well as high prevalence of disorders that occur in girls and women.